SUICIDE (Poem) By; Arowora Fausat O


By; Arowora Fausat O

My smile looked so bright and beautiful
Happiness is free is all I post on my whatsapp daily
It all seemed so real,
If only you know what I'm going through!

If only you know how bad my heart bleeds
If only you know how hard I cry behind closed doors
Life seems to be unfair to me
This is too much for me to handle.

Being the first child of the family
At 22,I ought to have been successful
All my classmates then in school have made it
Why is my story different?

No matter how much effort I put in,
Vanity is all it turns out to
Is it that I am cursed or what?
Obviously,I'm tired of life!

Failure is what i call myself
When all efforts keep coming to nought
Oh!Wicked world!
Life,why have you decided to treat me this way?

Promised my family a better life
Promised mom I'm gonna make her proud
But how do I go about it?
When life keeps treating me bad.

I'm so depressed and frustrated right now
The only option I have is to commit suicide
When my life is nothing,but a disaster!
But wait,Is suicide really the way forward?

Will it do justice to my mom's expectations of me?
Oh!My Poor Mother!Promised never to make her sad
If I commit suicide,people will mock her
She will be mocked for raising a weak child

People I've known seemingly forever
Who claim to have love for me
When gossip taunted tongue whips me,
They didn't show enough love

To weigh my history against false witness
All they did was to join the hypocrites
The only one who was there for me
Was my sweet Mother

Now,I need to face my fears
It musn't overpower me
I need to make my Mother proud
And fare for the needs of my siblings

Hope and determination is the only song on my lips
To rebuild a greater future
My purpose is bigger than their Paltriness
Success is a must!

   Arowora Fausat O✍✍
a.k.a Adukeade(OOU NAPSS AGS)✌
200level student of political science


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