Seven powerful secrete of attracting your future to you by Ojomah Enyone Victor

Seven powerful secrete of attracting your future to you

(The life you are looking for is also looking for you)

by, Ojomah Enyone Victor

Everybody wants to move from zero to hero, from been the last to becoming the first, everyone I guess is seeking for ways to get a better life, that is the main reasons for the daily activities in the universe, whether negative or positive, from the robber who rob a bank, the man who covet his neighbour’s wealth to the doctor who saves life and the good Samaritans who help a stranger. Everyone including you is looking and searching for a better life, but most people don’t know what to do or where to start. In order for your goals to become a reality you must take time to read and meditate on this article, I promise you won’t regret it.

What is the future?

Many people have been misled about the meaning of the future, some people say the future is tomorrow or what is yet to come but this is not true, then what is the future? Simple… the future is you, yes you, you are the future, you are the tomorrow, and every decision you have been taking are daily revealing the future, the future is not tomorrow but today for no one ever sees tomorrow. Always remember this you are not ten years, ten months or 10 days from your future you are always today from your future, in planning for tomorrow, don’t neglect today for no one ever lives in tomorrow, that is why it is always called today.

Seven powerful secrete of attracting your future to you

(“Don’t be afraid your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin”)

The secrets of your future is not actually a secret, the secrets to your future is the secret.

What? What do you really want in life, what wakes you up in the morning, I have been seeing you students and workers going to school and work respectively, what could really be the reason behind this action of yours, you dedicated several years of your life learning a trade my question is what do you really want out of it? Are you doing it for money? If you were given the whole money in this life will you stop doing it, are you doing it because others are doing it? If everyone stop doing it will you continue? Are you doing it because you don’t know what to do, what makes you put on the t.v, what makes you to pay that friend a visit? Or you really have a goal, what do you want?
WHY? You said is not because of the money, you said is not because others are doing it, you said is not because you don’t know what to do, my question is why are you doing, if they stop giving you money will you keep treating the sick providing justice imparting others with your knowledge and skills or will you go on strike. Among all the numerous options life provided why did you choose to go to school and not to start a business why did you choose to start the business and not join the military why did you choose to go to church and not become a politician.

 Why are you on social media? Why? Why? Why? I hope you are not joining the military because there are no jobs (as you said), or because you want to molest others, I hope you are not becoming a pastor because of the tittle or the tithes and offerings, I hope you are not going to school because you want to brag and boast about your certificate or your profession, I just hope you are not on social media to display your pictures and compare yourself with others etc. why did you choose what you choose.

LIST. List the obstacles that stands between you and your goals, as long you are in this world there will never be a smooth ride to discovering your identity, nothing better comes easy, it takes a seed to push out of the soil to become a tree, if a seed can do it how much more you, what are the obstacles that are standing between you and your goal list them out…
I cannot reach my future because…. I don’t have credentials, money, experience etc.
Don’t stop there turn around and ask yourself are there people you have made it despised my excuses above? Of course yes, then how can I reached my goal without … credentials, money etc.
You must know this for the rest of your life, we may all have the same goals, but we have to go on different roads.

GROW: you can’t get to your future by merely thinking, wishing, hoping or depending on somebody else, you must have cut-off plan for your life, may be you need to start reading four hours a day, maybe you need to cut-off the time you waste on social media, TV and goal-less visitation, though you are in or out of the tertiary institution, may be you still need to humbly revisit your maths question from primary school to be good in maths or any other subjects, don’t be too proud to grow or else you’ll collapse like a building with a faulty foundation after displaying its beauty. Take small responsibility they are preparing you for the big ones, you may need to kill a bear, then a lion before you will be qualify to face Goliath like David, you may need to interpret the dreams of ordinary men before you will be qualify to interpret the dreams of great Pharaoh.
Anything worth doing is not just worth doing well, it is also worth doing poorly first, starts from where you are with what you have and give it your best shot, even though it might not be the shot of an expert, if you hang in there and hone your skills with lots of hard work and practice, you will eventually be the best. By the mile it’s a trial by the yard it’s hard but by the inch it’s a cinch.

PEOPLE: “Someone said a tree cannot make a forest”, another said “with time a tree will definitely make a forest”, but the truth is you don’t have that time, you may move fast alone, but you need people to go far, for wisdom comes not by the number of grey hairs on your head but by the numbers of experience you have accumulated from people life, the poorest man on earth is the man without a brother( a brother is not just by blood) you need people to learn from, people are the shortest routes to your future if you care to listen and followed their instructions. Read about the man you wish to become, don’t mimic him copy him.

DEVELOP: Develop a detailed plan of action to reach your goal, maximised your time, handled your time like you handle your life, create a time table for yourself and be consistent, give yourself assignments for the day, weeks, months and year(s), correct yourself, ask questions, be ready for problems and disappointment, people will mock you, laugh at you, get ready for unprepared responsibilities etc. whatever you hold long a enough you become, dream of it, sleep with it, talk about it, go with it, be crazy about it, the man who sleeps with knowledge always wakes up with an ideal, you become what always comes into your life.

DATE: Set a deadline on when you expect to reach the goal, this help you to be focus. Focus simply means the concentration of attention on a particular point or event, focus is so powerful, whatever we focus on we magnify, a magnifying glass takes scattered rays of sunlight and focus it in on place and then it catches fire (that’s your future). You are on fire when you are focused, the fire will burn you if you focus on the negative (Negative future) or light your path if you focus on the positive (Positive future). What if you didn’t attain your goal on the set date… set another date.

I welcome you to your future if you choose to follow the seven secrets to your future above but if you choose not to follow no problem but always remember this…




  1. It's just Waow! This is a huge treasure mined from a great heart. Lovely bro... Keep it!

  2. Elele boy....a wonderful epistle here. Thumbs up!

  3. Elele boy....a wonderful epistle here. Thumbs up!

  4. Enter your comment...
    Amazing. inspiring too

  5. Thanks for this write up,see you at the top

  6. Wow Sir Vic, this is massive. I'm so inspired, more grace bro


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