60 seconds with Mr Nate Face OF THE WEEK

60 Seconds with Mr Nate


* Nickname ; Mr. Nate

* institution attended: University of Jos

* State of Residence ; Plateau/Kaduna

* Occupation: Entrepreneur

* Celebrity crush: Eva Alodiah

* Favourite part of your body: My pee pee

* Best fashion piece ; Hip Hop and Casual wears

* Best relaxation spot/ Destination: Tuscany Lounge/Jos

* Your top 3 Songs: Music and Me,Crowd mentality and TrapVibe.

* Fast food or Mama put: Mama put abeg

* Tall or Short girl; I like both

* Fair or dark girl: Dark

* Most priced possession: My wrist watch

* Your best moments : Ma vacation at Obudu cattle  ranch

* Your worse moment : The day I broke ma leg

* Yourself in 5 years: Bigger than this 

* IG handle/Phone number:@rapnateion/08052729987


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