By; Erharhine Susan

Rebound is an undefined period of romance which sets off after a break up or a broken relationship. It is tagged as a substitute a replacement of the old love

“Rebound” and “Moving on” do this two words mean the same thing or are they separately interrelated?
Rebound is mostly identified with the female gender, am not trying to discard the slightly chances of the male gender in one way or the other having gone through a phase such as this.
Rebound is an undefined period of romance which sets off after a break up or a broken relationship. It is tagged as a substitute a replacement of the old love. Rebound is actually an healing phase, a period of moving on and getting over what has been left behind. Why do most ladies have rebounds?...... one thing is for sure certainly to fill up the gap left behind by an Ex-partner. When in a period of hurt considered healthy, from my perspective that individual is in a place of contempt, disconnected socially and has a loss of self importance, the only way it can be restored is through friendship rather than immersing in a new relationship son as to enable the healing process to take place.
The certainty of a successful rebound relationship is just about a 5% out of a hundred reason being that it involves an undefined period of time with no possibility of long-term commitment, no emotional attachment. Hence, it ends sooner than expected. The reason for its short duration is because the individual emotional balance is un-settled, he or she is not retrospective or reflective about what happened in the past relationship. Hence, the high possibility of bringing in the old mindset of the past relationship to the new one.
What happens to the victim he knows not that he is classified as one and when it dawns on him he becomes hurt and thus the “cycle of hurt” begins.


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