60 seconds with Kristen FACE OF THE WEEK

60 Seconds with Kristen


Nickname: kris 

Institution attending: Caleb university 

State of residence: Lagos state 

Occupation: still a student 

Celebrity crush: lil tecca 

Favorite part of the body: my waist and bum 

Best fashion piece: trouser 

Best relaxation spot/ destination: Atican beach 

Top 3 songs : ransom by lil tecca 
Identity theft by Kodak black 
Blink of an eye by dolapo 

Fast food or mama put: lol mama put oh

Tall or short guy: tall obviously cause I am quite tall 

Fair or dark guy: dark guys 😉

Your best moments: whenever I am with my friends 

Your worse moments : whenever I am broke it is so annoying 

Yourself in 5 years: i don’t not have a precise role in mind , but in the next five years is to be at a place where I can make a difference 

Ig Handel: _kristen.v

To be the Next FACE OF THE WEEK, send a mail (I want to be next Face of the Week) to campusvaporcv@gmail.com


  1. Very nice, she's beautiful and her response to questions are quite interesting and intelligent


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