Rape is not a hobby but a habit which comes as a result of faulty ideas that have beclouded our thinking faculty

With the level of molestation going on, one would be scared of raising a child in this world. These days you see kids displaying all sorts of unbecoming behaviour.

In a world where morality have been trodden under feet and replaced by immorality which have subsequently gained ascendancy over our senses of reasoning and moral justification, the agitation against sexual assault would amount to nothing much and further destabilize the society while increasing disunity if the rising menace of rape is not controlled from the root which implies raising the kids religiously, morally and committedly.

A child’s upbringing is massively determined by parental guidance and the environment, thus; the right values instilled in a child shapes his mindset and mentality.

With the level of esteem associated with the male gender, the boy child is easily and always prone to bad influence especially when puberty kicks in ;considering the alarming rise in cases of rape ,one would be forced to wonder at the kind of upbringing certain young men underwent.
Rape is not a hobby but a habit which comes as a result of faulty ideas that have beclouded our thinking faculty; while a girl child is considered tractable and expected to be submissive and docile, the male counterpart is seen as agile and naturally prideful. For reasons like this ,a man would easily brag about making out with a girl without her consent, while a girl would be ashamed to speak out her plight about being a victim of rape for fear of being ridiculed, stigmatized and made an object of correctional material.

Thoughtfully, if the boy child had been raised rightly, would he have raped the opposite gender or delight and take pride in humiliating her?
Within the African part of the world, the mother is usually blamed if a child's upbringing is deformed.

Sexual assault as a problem could be prevented first from the parents especially the mothers ,because women are naturally made to be mentors, and from childhood she is trained to be contrite and nurtured to care for the family.

The roles of women in a child's growth cannot be over emphasized, but many have unconsciously goaded their kids on in the wrong paths, in the present society some mothers unknowingly teach their boy child to be men with distorted attitude, especially with the rise of social media branded with a conspiracy theory of no rational validation that a boy child is and must remain a champion whatever the case may be; my intention writing this is not to discredit mothers, neither is it an attempt to attack the male self esteem. However in my moment of solitude, I wondered if our parents have failed to counsel the boy child on how to be a gentleman, good nurtured, homely and remorseful.

Many cases of rape could be traced back to zero parental control ,in some homes male children are massively pampered by overtly permissive mothers, in view of this ,their wrong deeds are usually excused; other times the boy is not allowed to do his own dishes ,not to talk of washing his dirty clothes because he is a boy. How do you expect a man with no dignity in washing his own underwear to have dignity in removing the underwears of others?

While the girl child is closely monitored and taught to wake early enough and clean the house and environment, the boy child grows unwatched and is allowed to sleep as if he is competing with the dead, how do you expect such girl turned man to value the sanctity of life? I hear cases of people raped to death and I wonder.

It is the duty of mothers to raise the boy child and teach him to treat women with respect without exploiting her vulnerability, it is also her duty to teach the boy to be a humble leader with self control and honour ,also she should teach him to respect women ,her will and her body etc. In as much as parents would not forever and always be around the child, the child will always remember the moral values inculcated in him as he goes older.

Sadly the present society consists of non vigilant and carefree parents that ends up neglecting the child’s moral education which on its own is an abuse to the child and abused children grow up to be abusers in different forms with abberrated habits. Some times its hard to break the circle and more difficult to change our cultural societal flaws but its easier to change our sons, as it is easier to build a growing child than to repair a broken adult.

Be loving but firm with kids during their formative years ,those years determines how he turn out to be in adulthood.

Say NO to rape God Bless Nigeria.


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