ABORTION, THE CONSEQUENCES by Attah Manasseh Onucheyo


By; Attah Manasseh Onucheyo

Abortion is an act been heard in time past, which has kept me thinking. This act have ruined and short-changed the destiny of many.
Why will a Mortal being terminate the life of an unborn child. It's absurd and so dishearting.

While thinking, a thought came across "for every action there is a reson (i.e. there is no fire without a smoke and also no rain without clouds) so before anyone delves such act that is so detestable before our creator, I will to your notice that many factor can be responsible for abortion.

Going futher, I will like to explain more definations on abortion.

What is abortion?

Acoording to Merriam-webster Dictionary, Abortion is defined as a medical procedure used to end a pregnacy and cause the death of a fetus.

Also abortion can be defined as any process followed that can end a pregancy which in turn cause the termination of an unborn Child .

Before Proceeding further into the consequences of abortion, here are few reasons why some consider abortion as an option

1. The fear of being hated and rejected by friends, family and the society at large

2. Rejection of preganancy by the supposed father who initiated the process

3.  Abortion at times is considered as an option when a rape case is involved

The negative consequence of Abortion which is the central message of this article is outiled below:

Complications of an abortion Injury to the uterus can cause beeding and Infections

 Disruptions in menstruation,  Infertility  cause Problems with later pregnancies, for example a higher risk of miscarriages and premature births; increased perinatal mortality (during and after the birth); increased risk of tubal or abdominal pregnancies

. Psychosomatic consequences of an abortion:

 Functional abdominal troubles (i.e. with no direct organic cause) Functional sexual disorders (libido disorders, orgasm disorders), pain during intercourse (dyspareunia, frigidity) Migraine Sleep disturbances, nightmares

 . Psychological consequences of an abortion:

Unfounded and uncontrolled crying Anxiety Severe mood swings and instability Signs of nervous tension, like sweats, trembling, flushing, paleness and general nervousness Restlessness and tension, possibly even hyperactivity Concentration and memory disorders Depression Feelings of shame, repentence and remorse Thoughts of suicide

Feeling of loneliness and inner emptiness Death of feelings (“Robot feeling”) Feeling of lonesomeness, exclusion and isolation Feeling of emotional indifference Feeling of being condemned or dirty in terms of a relationship with a higher power or with people Decreased self-esteem Self-aggression (nail biting, teeth grinding, scratching)

 Medicine, drug and alcohol abuse Strong reaction to noises that bring the suction curettage to mind (like vacuum cleaner noise)

 Compulsive re-experiencing of the abortion in the mind Multiple abortions (compulsive repetition) Strong emotional reactions at the sight of a pregnant woman or a baby Stronger resistance during gynaecological examinations Fear of “punishment” through serious disease or accidents of one’s other children (Niobe syndrome)

 Relationship problems Feelings of hate and disgust in relation to sexuality Rage and hate for the child’s father, the abortion doctor or men generally Feeling of helplessness towards the subsequent children; increased risk for mistreatment Feeling of loss of parental authority over the other children

Discovering a problem is not the major issue ohh, but proferring a solution is what matters. Going further, i will like to state the few ways the menace of abortion can be curbed in our contemporary societies:

1. The Government shoud come up with abortion laws that will stress emphatically the punishment/penalty against anyone that engage in such act and so to anyone that sponsor it..

2. Pre-Mariatal sex should be avoided at all cost..

3. Parents, guidian and teaxhers in all schools at all level should do their best sensitizing the societies on the dangers of abortion.

4. Governmental Organizations that is saddled with the responsibility of providing human with the necessary Heath care services as it relates to information demystifying should channel their resources to rural areas where the people can be fully oriented on the danger of arbortion

In conclusion, Abortion should never be an option, why? You have only one life to leave, abortion opens the door to untimely death and many health related disease and as well the chances of survival is not guaranteed.

Save yourself and the life of the unborn Child today.

Reference; The Human Journey, 35, 2017


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