The Best Time to Write Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) by Richard Okiasi

The Best Time to Write Your Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Your CV is not best written when you have an interview tomorrow or next week. I like saying that CV writing requires patience and articulate calm. Be patient about the process. 

By; Richard Okiasi

For many reasons, writing can be a lot to handle, and when it comes to CV writing, we have basically two set of people; those who like to write it themselves, and those who prefer someone else helping them write it. Whichever category you find yourself, you are not alone.

Writing a winning CV takes a lot of patience and it's not as simple as some CV websites (the ones that Promise you a CV in 1hour) make it sound. Whether you are in the first or second category above, the best time to write your CV is when you are relaxed. When you are not in a haste to submit your application, when you can articulate the things you want to include in your CV in other to show your value to your recruiter.

Your CV is not best written when you have an interview tomorrow or next week. I like saying that CV writing requires patience and articulate calm. Be patient about the process.

CV takes hours, days even weeks to write.

Take 2 hours, 4 hours even 3 days to write your CV and I’ll attest that nothing is wrong with you.

A lot of people think CV writing is just about sitting down and writing some few words on a piece of paper then type it, CV writing is more than that.

When you are in a haste or you have an already existing job opening that you want to apply for before it closes, you lose your calm and focus. The rush in wanting your CV to be done quickly takes a lot out of you. You get nervous and anxious, you can’t articulate correctly, you just want it done!

You are not relaxed and any CV written in a hurry doesn’t sell. To avoid this, it’s best you write it or hire a writer when you are not in a hurry so that you can articulate properly and capture your experiences.

No arguments, CVs need to be updated regularly to accommodate new skills, new educational qualification and recent achievements. You can also edit, update or review an already existing CV to suit a recent job opening you want to apply for, also try not to do that in a haste, take your time and decide the things you'll add to make it standout  amongst other CV's. Reviewing an old CV can take a shorter time than writing a new one but ensure you do it when you are relaxed and you don’t have anything putting you under pressure.

Thank you for reading, and success to you always!

Richard Okiasi

Author: Money Game

Connect with me:

Twitter: @sire_Richard

LinkedIn: richardokiasi



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